Top 30 Greatest Fighting Quotes

in Become A Fighter, Boxing, Fighters, MMA, Motivation, Motivational Quotes

For every single person, there’s always a cause that’s worth fighting for, whether physically or emotionally. You must know when to fight and when to avoid one. Here are 30 [...]

Top 30 Greatest Fear Quotes

in Intimidation and Fear, Mental Factors, Motivation, Motivational Quotes

In most instances, people’s lives are dictated by fear. This especially rings true in combat sports where fear dictates how a fighter performs. Here are some of the greatest fear [...]

How to Become a Fighter

in Become A Fighter

Why Become A Fighter? Some people get backed into a corner and crumble, while others fight their way out, but EVERYONE has a choice. And it’s never too late. Becoming [...]

The 30 Greatest and Most Inspirational Bruce Lee Quotes

in Fighters, Motivation, Motivational Quotes

Deep Philosophy, Bruce Lee Quotes Iconic legend Bruce Lee has transcended movies and martial arts. He’s an inspiration to millions around the world who battle against the odds to become [...]